1982 Articles

Dublin Core


1982 Articles


The articles from the 1982 collection of Madison’s Heritage cover a variety of subject matter. A series of articles is based on Bennett Young’s 1910 book, The Prehistoric Men of Kentucky, which details the ancient people who built mounds in the area. “‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ is in Garrard County” tells the story the literary fame of our neighboring county. “First Train Ran Here in November 1868” and “Kentucky’s First Roads were Buffalo Trails” give insight into our county’s past forms of transportation. The first of many articles based on old yearbooks give insight into Eastern in 1914. “Flag Stops for Trains had Names” tells of many forgotten train stops in the county. A couple of articles are based on a 1927 booklet, “Madison County, Kentucky—at the foot of the blue ridge—its possessions and opportunities.” Articles also profile Governor James McCreary, Congressman John White, and poetess Kate Rose Wiggins.


Kathryn Engle

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