1991 Articles
Dublin Core
1991 Articles
Articles from the 1991 collection are characterized by variety. There is a good series about the location of county schools based on a 1934 Madison County Health Department map. There are also several articles based on information gathered from a 1939 newspaper. “Women have Played Major Role in Local History” and “Separate Hospital for Blacks Died of Financial Causes” show the influence women and African Americans have had on the county. A few articles discuss different characteristics of our transportation system of the past. Several articles discuss disasters including fires, train wrecks, and tornadoes. “Rev. Breck Gave Much to Madison County” profiles Robert L. Breck, first Chancellor of Central University. “Court Day Celebration Lured Big Crowds Here” details an exciting occasion that was central to our county’s monthly schedule.
Kathryn Engle
Collection Items
Where Were County's Schools Located in 1934?
Do you know where Pumpkin Run, Log Cabin and Bearwallow Schools were half a century ago? We can find the locations of these and some 70 other public schools on an old Madison County Bureau of County Health Work map, which was drawn in 1934. Most of…
Early County Schools had No Electric, Water
An old 1934 Madison County Bureau of County Health Work map shows the location of about 75 county public schools. Most of those schools were one-room wood buildings set upon fieldstone pillar foundations. Nearly all of them had no electric lights, no…
Over 80 Schools Once Served Madison
At the turn of the century, just about every Madison County neighborhood had its own little one-room schoolhouse. By 1925 there were some 80 public schools in the county. About 15 separate schools were for black pupils, and the remainder were for the…
In Some Ways, 1939 was No Different from Today in Madison County
In some ways 1939 in Madison County was no different from today. The Jan. 4 headline in the Richmond Daily Register read "FDR Calls On Nation To Arm To Meet Challenge Of Dictatorial Nations". Similar to Bush's call? And for those who thought that the…
Boonesboro Bridge 60 Years Old
On Nov. 11, 1931, the ferry that for 132 years carried traffic across the Kentucky River at Boonesboro ceased operations. In its place a huge steel and concrete bridge opened. (Note that I am using the short version of the word rather than the longer…
Businesses Advertised in Old Church Bulletins
Way back in 1929 there were a number of merchants in Richmond whose names I recognize, some which I do not. This is not a comprehensive survey of Richmond but a listing of some 10 merchants who had advertisements on the back of a church bulletin…
Kingston School Set Early Standard
There is one institution that is rarely mentioned when old Madison County private schools are discussed. It was the Kingston School Joint Stock Co.
In the last decades of the 19th century, free public education was not yet available everywhere.…
Red House History a Humorous Tale
One popular Madison County myth claims that the village of Red House was so named when the Kentucky Central railroad was built through there. A large red brick house is said to have been directly in the path of the railroad, and the owner refused to…